Thursday, September 17, 2015


The Iaso Tea Secret  

It is plain and simple.

#1 Set up and Autoship: Order your Iaso Tea for $44.95
Commit to 5 months in your head. You can cancel it at anytime.

#2 When it comes prepare  the iced tea.
Get a large pitcher. Be prepared.

#3 Measure yourself. chest, waist, hips,
Get a tape measure.  Be prepared. 

#4 Weigh yourself
Record it.  Write it down and Save where you can see it.

#5 Record those numbers
Record it.  Write it down and Save where you can see it.

#6 Drink your tea with two meals EVERYDAY
Do Not skip

#7 Eat 3 meals EVERYDAY
Please or your body will go into starvation mode and store fat.

#8 Cut back on Sugar, Flour, and fried foods
They are bad for you. TOXIC

#10 Walk 30 A day EVERYDAY
In one session or split into two

#11 Stop wearing yoga pants Except to workout!
You need a Zipper and Snap to keep you accountable or fat will creep up on you.

#12 Order the Nutra Burst Liquid Vitamin 
One teaspoon is equivalent to eat 10 healthy salads. Take Daily.   The IASO Tea SECRET
This will make your hair grow too.

#13 Take your vitamin every morning

#14 Do # 6-11 Daily

#15 Set up and Autoship with your Iaso Tea Rep for the Tea
If you did not do #1 correctly you must click JOIN NOW on the website.
ASK your TLC Rep for his or her link, or IBO #

#16 Stay on the tea for a minimum of 5 months.  The IASO Tea SECRET
I'm on month 9.  My life has changed

#17 Do #6 -11 and #13 Daily

#18 You will see results. (Results will vary)
Stay the course.  The IASO Tea SECRET

Some people want a Fast weight-loss supplement.  But they did not gain the weight fast.  This Tea and this process helps you train your insides and outsides to the better healthier you.  The Healthier you.  You will form NEW Habits.

FAST WEIGHT-LOSS can result is Fast Weight Re-Gain and more weight gain.

The Iaso Tea Secret is about Consistency and 
A Total Life Change. 
Think about it... if you keep doing what you are doing will you get the changes you want?

If you want things to change you have to change some things.

START with #1

Go to my website. Fill out the form. On the next page hit JOIN NOW to do #1 Set up your autoship and order your tea,

I'll see you on the other side.
Vickie Wooden TLC IBO #3081111

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

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