Monday, September 28, 2015

Engaging To Recruit

Recruit by having An Excellent Spirit
Recruit by having An Exciting Spirit
Recruit by being An Influencer

An INFLUENCER motivates others to change. An INFLUENCER replaces bad behaviors with powerful new skills. An INFLUENCER makes things happen.

Marketing Strategies That Work Recording
Dial (&12) 432-1212 code 594-030-556# Ref #59
Or listen on your computer:

Be Driven by A Purpose that will keep you going

Have A Goal for your business
#of Recruits   #of Sales  $ Monthly Income

Keep your Options Tight
#1 Failure is Not An Option
#2 Shiny Balls are Not an Option for my Success

Believe you will Achieve.... Therefore you won't be a Hopper.

Let your Nay be Nay.
Your Purpose should limit your OPTIONS.
Your Credibility is on the line.
Friends and Family will not be eager to join you if you have been hopping all over the place.

Polish up your Credibility.   STAND for something and STOP Falling for everything people tell you to hop on.

TALK about what you be about right Now.
Engage...  Engage ... Be Engaging

BE Visible all over Social Media
*I am so proud of the people who get on my calls who are now doing VIDEOS.
That is HUGE

You are opening the door for more Success.
Your VIDEO are the Invitation for Engagement.
People JOIN People. Your Engagement makes you REAL.
-Profile Pics
-Commenting on others pages causes Facebook to send your posts to your friends Newsfeed.
-Please Increase your FriendsList
-Like 3 Comment on 3 Post in groups

-Post in groups  20 a.m.   20 noon  20 p.m.
-Accept Friend Requests

KEEP your Options Tight
-You will receive friend requests
-Accept Friend
-Limit Options- But Engage ....Network

Continue to RUN the Marketing Marathon
Do Not Be Discouraged or Discouraging
-Be Active in your Team Group
-Comment on Team Members Posts on their Timelines and in groups
-Be a TeamPlayer

The Terms of Engagement: You must Be Present

Listen to the ENTIRE Recording.
Marketing Strategies That Work Recording 
Dial (&12) 432-1212 code 594-030-556# Ref #59
Or listen on your computer:

Be Blessed yaw!
Vickie Wooden Independent Business Owner #3081111
with Total Life Changes

Keep Your Dreams Alive
Never Give Up

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