Monday, September 21, 2015

5 Ways to Recruit and Get Sales

5 Things You Need To Do.....

Thing #1 Have Newbie Excitement
Thing #2 Get A Sale
Thing #3 STAND OUT
Thing #4 Be Positive
Thing #5 Phone Friends, Family and Contacts

5 Ways to Recruit and Get Sales
Marketing Strategies That Work: REPLAY 
Dial 712-432-1219 
Code 594-030-556# Ref 58# 
Or Listen on the computer.

Thing 1: Have Newbie Excitement 
*  Remember why you joined or bought into that business
*  On and off line Talk about why you joined
*  Talk about how what you have can help others
*   Blast it ALL over Social Media like you just started TODAY.

BE EXCITED!  Excitement is Magnetic.  Excitement draws Attention
Get The EYES on YOU and what YOU are doing. 

Thing 2: Get The New Sale or New Recruit
If you have been in your business for awhile and you want to Jump Start it with New Excitement Call ALL of your Friends and Family with your Renewed Excitement! 

Get The New Sale or New Recruit
WRITE OUT an Excited Message to read to each of them! 
WRITE OUT an Excited Message full of Your Belief in what you are doing.

Then start calling, Texting, Emailing, Chatting. 

******  TAKE ACTION!******
EXPECT the Close! 

Thing 3: STAND OUT
Why? Why? Why? Why should I purchase from YOU or join YOU?
Advertise in a Unique way that sets YOU apart from the pack. 
Make me STOP and LOOK at YOU or YOUR AD.
Look at the Video I made for my Primary Business Products.

When you really believe you are marketing something GREAT you have what it takes to STAND OUT and not Peter-Out.
People who really believe in the potential of their tool or product look different.  You'll look Attractive. YOU will ATTRACT.

Your belief level and your level of understanding of your tool and product help SUPPORT your ability to REPRESENT and PRESENT your company, business, tool or product.

REPRESENT: Stand up for it. Believing it has, will. can get results.
PRESENT: STANDING OUT because of the use of the Product or Tool;
 or have proof that someone connected to you has had favorable results.

In this picture I showed Proof that what I am promoting works.


If I need to Reboot I have this picture as my STAND OUT tool.

Thing 4:  Blood Type is Important
A   O    B  whatever!  It doesn't matter  The Most POWERFUL Blood Type is B+

So for some people reading this it is time for a cross match Blood Transfusion.
Your business will DIE if you Are Not B+  >>>>You MUST B Positive for your business to LIVE! 

If you complain or find fault with your tool, upline, corporate, etc  you are not being positive.  Your focus is OFF TRACK. And I guarantee you will QUIT before reaching any level of success.  You are already preparing your way of escape and trying to take as many as possible with you.  Ugh!   You are meditating on what you will bring to you.  negative

B+ B+ B+ B+ B+ B+ Be POSITIVE! 
Otherwise YOU will kill your business and ruin any possibility of some folks who are watch you ever joining you in anything.
Negativity is DRAMA.  Some folks like me just ain't got time for that.

So Be POSITIVE if you want sales and recruits.   Surround yourself with Positive People. When negative people are complaining don't even engage even if you see the problems as well. BE a Problem Solver.

Let Negative People go ahead and Quit.  
Do not try to convince them to stay.  
They will drain you and Quit down the line anyway.

Maintain your POSITIVITY.  
Oh! And Have HIGH ENERGY! 

Thing 5: Phone Friends and Family
* Get That NEW Sale in the NEXT 24 hrs.
Text, Phone, Email, Chat, Face Talk your Friends, Family, Contacts with...
An Excitement in your Creatively Composed Script; Full of your Belief; Dripping with Sincere Positively!
And DO NOT STOP until you close somebody

Oh Yes! 
Somebody gonna say, 
"Yes, how do I get stated?"  or  "Yes, How do I get it?"

The only thing standing between You and Your Next Sale or Recruit is You.
So be the boss of you.  Go get it.
Don't let me hold you. Goooooooooooooo!

Vickie Wooden MLM Mentor and Empowerment Coach
IBO #3081111
Health Ambassador

Results may vary because who knows if you will do the dang thangs or not.
I am just the messenger.  Be Blessed!

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

1 comment:

  1. Yes I must say this is an outstanding blog post !! Thanks for all the tips I have been following you all summer and i have been executing your tips Last week I got 2 customers at the bank waiting in line Thanks for Mentoring
