Thursday, January 1, 2015

Use Facebook to Build An Audience Pt1

The Fanpage

I have choosen to spend some time on some Marketing Tips and Strategies That Work about Facebook.

They won't come in any specific order. But they will come in a way that you can TAKE ACTION and start Branding yourself on Facebook.


First I want you to look at my FANPAGE. This is not my regular Facebook page This is a page that focuses on a specific subject, audience, business.  Once I created it I invited the people on my Facebook friends list to like it.  

This brought their attention to what I am up to now.  

Take a look. Then come back to this blog and watch the videos on how to set up your Facebook Fan page.

Don't put it off.

To your Success! 

My FanPage: 

How To Create A FanPage

Brought To You by: IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111
Phone: 269-389-0651

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