Sunday, January 4, 2015

My IASO Tea Launch Party

Welcome To My IASO Tea Online Launch Party!

                             IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111____________
I am so dang EXCITED!   Finally I made up in my mind that I am going to lose weight.  In June of 2013 I hurt my back while removing the bag from my mower.  That resulted in sciatic nerve injury and sever pain.  

The doctor told me not to exercise.
The pain lasted over a year with no improvement.  
In that time I gained 25 pounds.  I finally decided to start my walking again and the pain subsided some but the pounds and bad eating habits remained.

In the fall of 2014 I started seeing ads on Facebook about IASO Tea.  Well I had tried some diet stuff over the previous months with no success for me.

But I still decided to give the IASO TEA a try.

To my Joyful Surprise I lot 5 pounds.  And I lost it while not exercising nor eating right. So here I am ready to  kick the remaining 20 pounds in the butt. 
(Excuse the pun.)

WELCOME to My Launch Party! 
 I purchased the IASO TEA.  I use it. It like It.
 So now I sell it.
After all you know that I am an Entrepreneurship. And I know a Great Product when I see one.

The Tea is good for more than just weight loss. 
Take a Look.

If you are looking for a way to Jumpstart a little or a lot of weight-loss check out my website.

I invite you to stop by my Iaso Tea Launch Party on Facebook 

IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111
Please LIKE my Life Style With Vickie Wooden Fanpage.

Thank you
Vickie Wooden 269-389-0651

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