Wednesday, January 21, 2015

IASO Tea- How To Place Your Order

WELCOME   Coffee Tea or Both? I use the One Two Punch to help me lose weight.   The choice is yours.  No Pressure.

What brought you to this page?  Anchor that.  Set A Goal.  Stay on this Path. 
 If the reason is that you want to lose weight many are having Success here.

The Cleanse.  Detox. 
This tea contains 9 Herbs.  
Ingredients: Ginger, Papaya, Blessed Thistle, Holy Thistle, Myrrh, Chamomile, Persimmon Leaves, Marsh Mallow, Malva Leaves

Let this clean you up so the other products can do their job. 

It is not the pooping cleanse though some folks do spend a little extra time in the bathroom the 1st week. 

Many people are tired everyday all day because they are filled with toxins just waiting to get out.  Let this tea clean house. 

Brought to your by:  Vickie Wooden  TLC    IBO#3081111

Order Your IASO Detox Tea

Click and hit SHOP!

Phone Order: 

Call  Vickie Wooden  269-389-0651

Online Order 

Rep # 3081111

Be on Google Chrome and a Laptop or Desktop works Best

Any of the links on this page will lead you to The IASO TEA
Be on Google Chrome and a Laptop or Desktop works Best

Contact: Vickie Wooden

RECOMMENDATION: Sign up as a Total Life Changes ....Then order your tea. It doesn't cost Extra. And who knows. You may love the results from the tea so much that you'll want to share it with others. 

Brought to you by: IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Breakfast Ideas with IASO Tea or Delgada Coffee

Brought to you by: IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111

Breakfast-The Most Important Meal of The Day?

Well that's what the researchers say.  And while on this 90 Day to Better Health Challenge I'll have some breakfast with my coffee.

I am not normally a breakfast eater. I am not usually hunger until 10:30.  By that time I am thinking about something for LUNCH.

So today I thought I'd look up lunch-like breakfast ideas.

So I invited you here to VOTE.  If you were to choose one of the following which one would it be.

#1 Breakfast Pizza:

Looks like a Jazzy Way to Eggs and  Bacon.

#2 Quiche'

Looks like  A Deep-Dish Pizza

Leave A Comment below.  Also if you have a Great Breakfast idea let me know.  

Which would you eat today if it were in front of you right now smelling steamy good?

#1 Breakfast Pizza

#2 Quiche

Thank you for dropping by.

Vickie Wooden TLC Rep

IASO Diet Tea 
DELGADA Diet Coffee
IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My IASO Tea Launch Party

Welcome To My IASO Tea Online Launch Party!

                             IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111____________
I am so dang EXCITED!   Finally I made up in my mind that I am going to lose weight.  In June of 2013 I hurt my back while removing the bag from my mower.  That resulted in sciatic nerve injury and sever pain.  

The doctor told me not to exercise.
The pain lasted over a year with no improvement.  
In that time I gained 25 pounds.  I finally decided to start my walking again and the pain subsided some but the pounds and bad eating habits remained.

In the fall of 2014 I started seeing ads on Facebook about IASO Tea.  Well I had tried some diet stuff over the previous months with no success for me.

But I still decided to give the IASO TEA a try.

To my Joyful Surprise I lot 5 pounds.  And I lost it while not exercising nor eating right. So here I am ready to  kick the remaining 20 pounds in the butt. 
(Excuse the pun.)

WELCOME to My Launch Party! 
 I purchased the IASO TEA.  I use it. It like It.
 So now I sell it.
After all you know that I am an Entrepreneurship. And I know a Great Product when I see one.

The Tea is good for more than just weight loss. 
Take a Look.

If you are looking for a way to Jumpstart a little or a lot of weight-loss check out my website.

I invite you to stop by my Iaso Tea Launch Party on Facebook 

IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111
Please LIKE my Life Style With Vickie Wooden Fanpage.

Thank you
Vickie Wooden 269-389-0651

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Use Facebook to Build An Audience Pt1

The Fanpage

I have choosen to spend some time on some Marketing Tips and Strategies That Work about Facebook.

They won't come in any specific order. But they will come in a way that you can TAKE ACTION and start Branding yourself on Facebook.


First I want you to look at my FANPAGE. This is not my regular Facebook page This is a page that focuses on a specific subject, audience, business.  Once I created it I invited the people on my Facebook friends list to like it.  

This brought their attention to what I am up to now.  

Take a look. Then come back to this blog and watch the videos on how to set up your Facebook Fan page.

Don't put it off.

To your Success! 

My FanPage: 

How To Create A FanPage

Brought To You by: IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111
Phone: 269-389-0651