Wednesday, November 11, 2015

90 Days To A New You Challenge- IASO TEA

90 Days To A New You Challenge

This Video Explains it.

These pictures display it.

Yep!  This is me and who I was.

TLC has helped me start changing by sipping this tea.


Vickie Wooden
TLC IBO #3081111

LOSE 5 lbs in 5 Days
Iaso Tea Kalamazoo MI and Worldwide
Rep #3081111 Vickie Wooden
Call 269-389-0651**************************************

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Momma Wants Coffee

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

LOSE 5 lbs in 5 Days
Iaso Tea Kalamazoo MI and Worldwide
Rep #3081111 Vickie Wooden
Call 269-389-0651**************************************

IASO Tea Rep Gives Great Customer Service Pt1 Shipping

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

LOSE 5 lbs in 5 Days
Iaso Tea Kalamazoo MI and Worldwide
Rep #3081111 Vickie Wooden
Call 269-389-0651**************************************

How This IASO Tea Rep Delivers Pt 2

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

LOSE 5 lbs in 5 Days
Iaso Tea Kalamazoo MI and Worldwide
Rep #3081111 Vickie Wooden
Call 269-389-0651**************************************

How This Iaso Tea Rep Delivers Coffee Sampler Packs-VIDEO

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

LOSE 5 lbs in 5 Days
Iaso Tea Kalamazoo MI and Worldwide
Rep #3081111 Vickie Wooden
Call 269-389-0651**************************************

How This IASO TEA Rep Delivers IASO OIL- VIDEO

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

Iaso Tea and Coffee Sampler Pak Video Live

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

IASO Resolution Drops Overview

It's A Resolution Revolution! 

I know most folks are not going to listen to the entire Video.  But if you are looking for a way to seriously losing weight without surgery please listen to it.

Mt name is Vickie Wooden.  I am an IASO Tea and Delgada Coffee drinker.
Both of these TLC Products have helped me go from 183 lbs down to 160 lbs. 

Look at Ms Vickie. Not bad huh?

Drinking the Tea and coffee I experienced some Amazing results in other areas as well. 

I had suffered from daily sciatic nerve pain for over a year.  GONE! 

My hair started growing faster.

My Mood was and is so positive negative folks can't stand me.  LOL LOL LOL

IASO Tea is a Detox Tea made only from 9 herbs.

The Delgada Diet Coffee contains the Ganoderma Mushroom and the Garcinia Cambogia.

Take A Closer Look.
LOSE 5 lbs in 5 Days
Iaso Tea Kalamazoo MI and Worldwide
Rep #3081111 Vickie Wooden
Call 269-389-0651**************************************

Monday, October 19, 2015

CHAGA: The Super Mushroom

What is CHAGA?

Chaga is a non-toxic, medicinal mushroom that according to some researchers and tests, has anti-cancer properties and has shown promising evidence as a supplement to help overcome the effects of chemotherapy. 

It grows on Birch, Alder, Beech, and other hardwood trees found in the cold latitudes of North America, Europe, and Asia.

Unlike so many other mushrooms, Chaga is wild-crafted. This means that it is not grown in a cultivated farm setting, but rather it is found in its natural, native habitat and gathered by hand.

Chaga extract is more potent and more effective than ingesting the whole mushroom.

CHAGA: The Super Mushroom
The anti-tumor effects of the Chaga mushroom work indirectly by activating different immune responses to cancer in the body.  

Published studies on the Chaga mushroom extract in 2004 revealed the Chaga mushroom extract to inhibit oxidative DNA damage. The evidence showed that the extract could protect DNA from oxidative stress.

The mushroom extract also contains large amounts of betulinic acid. This chemical in particular is being studied for use as a chemotherapeutic agent due to its anti-cancer properties. The full spectrum of immune-stimulating phytochemicals being studied from this medicinal mushroom is amazing.

Following is a list of Chaga’s proven, reported effects:

Anti-allergic Anti-mutagenic
Anti-bacterial Anti-microbial
Anti-Cancer (breast, lip, rectal) Anti-oxidant
Anti-inflammatory Anti-viral
Anti-tumor Anti-genotoxicity
Anti-mutagenic Hepato-protective

In 2008  Seung -Shi Ham et al. tested Chaga extract on the following human cancer cells

Lung carcinoma
Stomach adenocarcinoma
Breast adenocarcinoma
Cervical adenocarcinoma

The results showed that the extracts isolated from Chaga extract significantly reduced the tumor size in laboratory mice.
Chaga mushroom
The results of a study done by Yeon-Ran Kim in 2005 strongly suggest the great potential of Chaga as immune enhancer during chemotherapy.

Chaga mushroom

Since Chaga contains various kinds of bio-effective materials which may help protect us from the increasingly carcinogenic and toxic environments, adding Chaga extract as part of your daily regime could help prevent the development of free radical damage and cancer.

The numerous studies and historical usage suggests that Chaga extract and its compounds could be used as natural anticancer ingredients to prevent treat/cure malignancies.

However, it is important to determine what type of Chaga one is using when utilizing an anti-cancer regiment, since dosage is very important.

So what is CHAGA?  in simple words: It’s a medicinal mushroom that may help heal and prevent cancer.

My Name is Vickie Wooden. I am an 11 yr Breast Cancer Survivor. I started using Chaga 5 months ago. It is now a Staple in my house.

You can order Chaga in my store in the Nutrition section.  Enjoy it as a tea by opening and mixing 1 Capsule  in hot water and sweeten with Stevia if desired.

Or open a capsule and add it to your morning cup of coffee.

I chose to be Proactive.

Vickie Wooden
Total Life Changes
The Power of Mushroom

LOSE 5 lbs in 5 Days
Iaso Tea Kalamazoo MI and Worldwide
Rep #3081111 Vickie Wooden
Call 269-389-0651**************************************

Results may vary.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


It's National Coffee Day!


Some of us just can't start our day without a cup. Right?

Since I love Coffee I decided to find one that would help me do more than just WAKE UP!

This blog is about  the Coffee I drink to help me with  Weight Loss and more. 
This is also the Coffee I drink to help me with PAIN RELIEF.


It's Ganoderma Mushroom Infised 

I drink this Coffee because I LOVE it.

Delgada Slimming Coffee by Total Life Changes

Sciatic Nerve VIDEO Testimonial

A Cup a Day has kept the Doctor away for me.
Results may vary.  But if you never try you'll never know.
Be Blessed.

Sip to Slim  Sip to A Pain Free Life
Order here.... Drink up.

Vickie Wooden
IBO #3081111
Total Life Changes
Phone 269-389-0651

Monday, September 28, 2015

Engaging To Recruit

Recruit by having An Excellent Spirit
Recruit by having An Exciting Spirit
Recruit by being An Influencer

An INFLUENCER motivates others to change. An INFLUENCER replaces bad behaviors with powerful new skills. An INFLUENCER makes things happen.

Marketing Strategies That Work Recording
Dial (&12) 432-1212 code 594-030-556# Ref #59
Or listen on your computer:

Be Driven by A Purpose that will keep you going

Have A Goal for your business
#of Recruits   #of Sales  $ Monthly Income

Keep your Options Tight
#1 Failure is Not An Option
#2 Shiny Balls are Not an Option for my Success

Believe you will Achieve.... Therefore you won't be a Hopper.

Let your Nay be Nay.
Your Purpose should limit your OPTIONS.
Your Credibility is on the line.
Friends and Family will not be eager to join you if you have been hopping all over the place.

Polish up your Credibility.   STAND for something and STOP Falling for everything people tell you to hop on.

TALK about what you be about right Now.
Engage...  Engage ... Be Engaging

BE Visible all over Social Media
*I am so proud of the people who get on my calls who are now doing VIDEOS.
That is HUGE

You are opening the door for more Success.
Your VIDEO are the Invitation for Engagement.
People JOIN People. Your Engagement makes you REAL.
-Profile Pics
-Commenting on others pages causes Facebook to send your posts to your friends Newsfeed.
-Please Increase your FriendsList
-Like 3 Comment on 3 Post in groups

-Post in groups  20 a.m.   20 noon  20 p.m.
-Accept Friend Requests

KEEP your Options Tight
-You will receive friend requests
-Accept Friend
-Limit Options- But Engage ....Network

Continue to RUN the Marketing Marathon
Do Not Be Discouraged or Discouraging
-Be Active in your Team Group
-Comment on Team Members Posts on their Timelines and in groups
-Be a TeamPlayer

The Terms of Engagement: You must Be Present

Listen to the ENTIRE Recording.
Marketing Strategies That Work Recording 
Dial (&12) 432-1212 code 594-030-556# Ref #59
Or listen on your computer:

Be Blessed yaw!
Vickie Wooden Independent Business Owner #3081111
with Total Life Changes

Keep Your Dreams Alive
Never Give Up

Monday, September 21, 2015

5 Ways to Recruit and Get Sales

5 Things You Need To Do.....

Thing #1 Have Newbie Excitement
Thing #2 Get A Sale
Thing #3 STAND OUT
Thing #4 Be Positive
Thing #5 Phone Friends, Family and Contacts

5 Ways to Recruit and Get Sales
Marketing Strategies That Work: REPLAY 
Dial 712-432-1219 
Code 594-030-556# Ref 58# 
Or Listen on the computer.

Thing 1: Have Newbie Excitement 
*  Remember why you joined or bought into that business
*  On and off line Talk about why you joined
*  Talk about how what you have can help others
*   Blast it ALL over Social Media like you just started TODAY.

BE EXCITED!  Excitement is Magnetic.  Excitement draws Attention
Get The EYES on YOU and what YOU are doing. 

Thing 2: Get The New Sale or New Recruit
If you have been in your business for awhile and you want to Jump Start it with New Excitement Call ALL of your Friends and Family with your Renewed Excitement! 

Get The New Sale or New Recruit
WRITE OUT an Excited Message to read to each of them! 
WRITE OUT an Excited Message full of Your Belief in what you are doing.

Then start calling, Texting, Emailing, Chatting. 

******  TAKE ACTION!******
EXPECT the Close! 

Thing 3: STAND OUT
Why? Why? Why? Why should I purchase from YOU or join YOU?
Advertise in a Unique way that sets YOU apart from the pack. 
Make me STOP and LOOK at YOU or YOUR AD.
Look at the Video I made for my Primary Business Products.

When you really believe you are marketing something GREAT you have what it takes to STAND OUT and not Peter-Out.
People who really believe in the potential of their tool or product look different.  You'll look Attractive. YOU will ATTRACT.

Your belief level and your level of understanding of your tool and product help SUPPORT your ability to REPRESENT and PRESENT your company, business, tool or product.

REPRESENT: Stand up for it. Believing it has, will. can get results.
PRESENT: STANDING OUT because of the use of the Product or Tool;
 or have proof that someone connected to you has had favorable results.

In this picture I showed Proof that what I am promoting works.


If I need to Reboot I have this picture as my STAND OUT tool.

Thing 4:  Blood Type is Important
A   O    B  whatever!  It doesn't matter  The Most POWERFUL Blood Type is B+

So for some people reading this it is time for a cross match Blood Transfusion.
Your business will DIE if you Are Not B+  >>>>You MUST B Positive for your business to LIVE! 

If you complain or find fault with your tool, upline, corporate, etc  you are not being positive.  Your focus is OFF TRACK. And I guarantee you will QUIT before reaching any level of success.  You are already preparing your way of escape and trying to take as many as possible with you.  Ugh!   You are meditating on what you will bring to you.  negative

B+ B+ B+ B+ B+ B+ Be POSITIVE! 
Otherwise YOU will kill your business and ruin any possibility of some folks who are watch you ever joining you in anything.
Negativity is DRAMA.  Some folks like me just ain't got time for that.

So Be POSITIVE if you want sales and recruits.   Surround yourself with Positive People. When negative people are complaining don't even engage even if you see the problems as well. BE a Problem Solver.

Let Negative People go ahead and Quit.  
Do not try to convince them to stay.  
They will drain you and Quit down the line anyway.

Maintain your POSITIVITY.  
Oh! And Have HIGH ENERGY! 

Thing 5: Phone Friends and Family
* Get That NEW Sale in the NEXT 24 hrs.
Text, Phone, Email, Chat, Face Talk your Friends, Family, Contacts with...
An Excitement in your Creatively Composed Script; Full of your Belief; Dripping with Sincere Positively!
And DO NOT STOP until you close somebody

Oh Yes! 
Somebody gonna say, 
"Yes, how do I get stated?"  or  "Yes, How do I get it?"

The only thing standing between You and Your Next Sale or Recruit is You.
So be the boss of you.  Go get it.
Don't let me hold you. Goooooooooooooo!

Vickie Wooden MLM Mentor and Empowerment Coach
IBO #3081111
Health Ambassador

Results may vary because who knows if you will do the dang thangs or not.
I am just the messenger.  Be Blessed!

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

Thursday, September 17, 2015


The Iaso Tea Secret  

It is plain and simple.

#1 Set up and Autoship: Order your Iaso Tea for $44.95
Commit to 5 months in your head. You can cancel it at anytime.

#2 When it comes prepare  the iced tea.
Get a large pitcher. Be prepared.

#3 Measure yourself. chest, waist, hips,
Get a tape measure.  Be prepared. 

#4 Weigh yourself
Record it.  Write it down and Save where you can see it.

#5 Record those numbers
Record it.  Write it down and Save where you can see it.

#6 Drink your tea with two meals EVERYDAY
Do Not skip

#7 Eat 3 meals EVERYDAY
Please or your body will go into starvation mode and store fat.

#8 Cut back on Sugar, Flour, and fried foods
They are bad for you. TOXIC

#10 Walk 30 A day EVERYDAY
In one session or split into two

#11 Stop wearing yoga pants Except to workout!
You need a Zipper and Snap to keep you accountable or fat will creep up on you.

#12 Order the Nutra Burst Liquid Vitamin 
One teaspoon is equivalent to eat 10 healthy salads. Take Daily.   The IASO Tea SECRET
This will make your hair grow too.

#13 Take your vitamin every morning

#14 Do # 6-11 Daily

#15 Set up and Autoship with your Iaso Tea Rep for the Tea
If you did not do #1 correctly you must click JOIN NOW on the website.
ASK your TLC Rep for his or her link, or IBO #

#16 Stay on the tea for a minimum of 5 months.  The IASO Tea SECRET
I'm on month 9.  My life has changed

#17 Do #6 -11 and #13 Daily

#18 You will see results. (Results will vary)
Stay the course.  The IASO Tea SECRET

Some people want a Fast weight-loss supplement.  But they did not gain the weight fast.  This Tea and this process helps you train your insides and outsides to the better healthier you.  The Healthier you.  You will form NEW Habits.

FAST WEIGHT-LOSS can result is Fast Weight Re-Gain and more weight gain.

The Iaso Tea Secret is about Consistency and 
A Total Life Change. 
Think about it... if you keep doing what you are doing will you get the changes you want?

If you want things to change you have to change some things.

START with #1

Go to my website. Fill out the form. On the next page hit JOIN NOW to do #1 Set up your autoship and order your tea,

I'll see you on the other side.
Vickie Wooden TLC IBO #3081111

Vickie Wooden
Total life Change IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Yoga Pants Diet

It is RED HOT!
This New diet is sweeping the nation!
Women Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE 
The Yoga Pants Diet!

Finally a diet that does not require you to stop eating!

*When WE look in the mirror we really want to like what we see. People think we don't realize that we need to lose weight.  But we do.  It is a struggle.  And many of us struggle in silence.

Losing weight is HARD!

The YOGA PANTS DIET SOLD at a store near you!

The Yoga Pants Diet can be purchased
 over the counter for under $5.


The pharmacy shelves are packed with weight lose products.  Most work but require consistency.  Plus some degree of workout required.

So some of us just park here a minute.  In The Yoga Pants! Right?

With the Yoga Pants Diet you are not stuck on a treadmill nor do you have to actually do Yoga.

Ain't nobody got time for all that! REALLY?  YOGA!
Real YOGA?

Or do we? Or should we make the time?

What are we waiting for? Stroke? Heart Attack? Diabetes?  Really?


My name is Vickie. I was on The Yoga Pants diet.

I use to workout, walk, run, but ate what I pretty much wanted.
I began the Yoga Pants Diet at 150- 153ish lbs.
 I was happy with that weight.
 But trying to keep it in check.

**** Then I hurt my lower back
(Sciatic Nerve) and was no longer able to exercise for over a year.
In this picture it shows me in full swing on the Yoga Pants Diet at age 60 weighing 183 lbs.

But they were the 1st EXTRA LARGE I had EVER Purchased. (sad face)

Yoga Pants Diet

With No Zipper or Snap to keep me accountable I went from that 150 lbs to 183 lbs without looking back.....

I found a store where I could get cute yoga pants with different color waistbands for $5.  Awww Shucks!  I was really rollin then!  Woo Hoo

The Yoga Pants Diet

So now that my behind was covered and my waistline was not squeezed in to anything I went shopping for TOPS that wear cute.  A sistah still gotta look nice.  Right?

MACY's!  I loves me some Macy's! 
If  you are going to do the Yoga Pants Diet 
covering your stomach is key!

I was doing just fine in my depression about this 30 that somebody threw on me.  I was still in daily pain that no pain pills could help.  BUT I was still looking good right?  I had all of that covered up. Shoooot!  None of my friends said anything about my weight.  My mom said my butt looked nice.  She said it was a part of our family gene that kicked in.  I was doing fine in the public eye.

BUT I knew what I saw in the mirror.  And I really was not happy. 
So I bought more YOGA PANTS.
I even started telling other people about The Yoga Pants.  I think I bought my sister some for Christmas. 

What the heck! 

Until that faithful day at church...  somebody FINALLY told me the truth.

Oh SnaP! My Yoga Pants Diet had failed me! The Truth REVEALED!  
Heck Naw I ain't pregnant at age 60 !  Didn't yo moma teach you better than to ask Fat People if they are pregnant?  Where you get off saying that to me.?
 Go sit down.  These are just some of the things I wanted to say.  OMG!  The NERVE of somebody calling me out.  Revealing the fact that I wasn't hiding anything with my cute tops and my yoga pants! 

It was then that I went looking for a way to get my weight down and get healthy.
I found the Iaso Tea and Delgada Coffee.
I've been drinking it for 9 months now.  

Now...........  My............ Mission is to spread the Good News.

Drink Iaso Tea and Delgada Coffee  ....Shrink
Workout Daily ....Shrink
Eat Right..... Shrink
Stop Worrying... Shrink
Self Talk... Shrink
It starts here.

Vickie Wooden  TLC  IBO #3081111
Phone 269-389-0651