Monday, June 15, 2015

The LASO Tea Party

Nana and Gbaby...  It's our 1st Tea Party

IASO Tea with Fruit and Veggie Smoothies on a Hot Summer Day!

It don't get much better than this. My name is Vickie Wooden.  And this is my Gbaby.   We spend every other weekend together.  I use that time to have as positive an influence on her life as possible.

WE (her family) are teaching her to believe that she is SMART. Therefore she believes she is.... and she is.  At the age of seven she can READ ANYTHING.

She aspires to be a doctor so that she can fix her daddy who has Epilepsy and Kidney failure.

WE tell her that she can do anything she puts her mind to.  She Loves Jesus!
 The gift she wanted most for Christmas was her own bible and bible bag. 

And she loves reading her bible and going to church with me... especially on the days that we eat the little cracker and drink the juice at church.
 She thanks God for Jesus and prays for her daddy and all her family.

My purpose for this blog is two messages: 

Message #1 SPEAK LIFE into your children.  Tell them they Are GREAT,  SMART, BEAUTIFUL and Wonderfully made.... and can Be Whatever and whoever they want when they grow up.

And Message #2 Take care of your health so you can spend many years helping them and watching them grow up. 

My name is Nana.. not BIG MAMA, not high blood pressure mama, not diabetic mama, (and not over weight mama anymore.) ....

Why make our kids worry about our health? This baby prays for her dad all the time...   But she is a child and she stills worries.

How about the people who love you.... are you are worry risk because of your weight? 

Is your unhealthy state apparent ?  If so you can bet they are worried about you.   It is time to do something about it.

This tea might help jump start your journey to a Healthier life style. Results vary.  But this is where I started because it is all natural. And TLC have other product that people are getting AMAZING Results from using.   But my point is you have to begin somewhere.

In August of 2014 I was sick and getting fatter and fatter everyday.
I started seriously drinking this tea in January 2015. 
I am no longer sick. And I am not longer fat.

And I can set a Great Example for my family of all generations.

My mom drinks this tea. 

My gbaby drinks this Tea.

Come on Sip This Tea. (IASO Detox IcedTea)

Vickie Wooden 269-389-0651
Independent Business Owner with

LOSE 5 lbs in 5 Days
Iaso Tea Kalamazoo MI and Worldwide
Rep #3081111 Vickie Wooden
Call 269-389-0651**************************************


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