Thursday, June 18, 2015

How To Recruit in Your Business

Hi, I am 
Vickie Wooden 
MLM Mentor Empowerment Coach
Master Blogger

IBO with Total life Changes

Today I want to share.....
How To Become a Master Recruiter!
Recruiting is not Rocket Science.

Recruiting can be SIMPLE.
I like Simple.  But SIMPLE does not always mean easy.

The Recruiting Method has to make sense to me.   I like What make sense.

Because what makes sense is just easier to grasp and understand.   Right?  O.K.

So, on the recorded call I want to share with you I'll explain the Simple things you can do to become a Master Recruiter.

The bottom line is you want people to want to join you.  Right?

How bad do you want that?

Do you want to become a Great Recruiter bad enough to invest time in learning how?

Would you trust accountant who has not been properly trained to advise you on anything like your finances?

I am sure you said, "No,"

Then don't expect people who can clearly see that you lack marketing savvy to join you.

Get the Recruiting BASICS I am going to share in the next 59 minutes, and turn things around IMMEDIATELY.

The choice is yours.   Invest the time in you now or waste time throwing posts out there that will continually be passed over.

I share Marketing Strategies That Work every Sunday Night.  See the call details at the bottom.  BUT for now listen to this  recruiting training while you work, or clean your room, or work on your computer.  It will change things for you if you Take Action.  But you start by clicking the link. 

I Recorded this Call in April 2015.

I am A Master Recruited.  


My heart's cry it to level the training field. 

Vickie Wooden 269-389-0651
MLM Mentor, Empowerment Coach
Master Blogger and
IBO/Independent Business Owner with
Total Life Changes. 

Marketing Strategies That Work Call
Sunday Nights 7:00 p.m. EST
Dial (712)432-1212
Code 594-030-556#

Most recent recording can be heard at
Dial (712)432-1219
Code 594-030-556#

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