Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Join The 90 Day Life Change Challenge

A 90 Day Life Changing Challenge

This is the beginning of a New Year. This is when we make our resolutions that are often forgotten before the end of January.


I am of the belief that those resolutions are so soon forgotten because we say we are going to do something... or change something or get better at something...but we make no plan. 

I have a close friend who is a therapist..lucky for me.  LOL  And today we were talking about Change.  

She shared with me The Stages Of Change.
And it all made so much sense to me.

I knew that the reason I was not losing weight was because I was doing Random things but nothing serious of a consistently deliberate nature. 

I did not have a Plan.  But I do now.

Habakkuk 2:2 Write The Vision and Make it plain....

And I am implementing that plan over the next 90 to 180 Days.

I am inviting YOU to join me in a journey towards CHANGE.  
My focus is going to be on my weight.

  You can come along if you need to lose a few pounds.

Or you can choose another area that needs attention. It has to be something you want to change.

And Create A Plan and a Start Date.

I found an article about the Stages Of Change and I adapted It to me and my area of focus.


Those Are The Six Stages of Change:

Precontemplation:  "My girl friend told me that my hips are getting big. I think they are fine.  It's my family genes.  I just need to buy size 16 now.  Oh well. She needs to look in the mirror" I don't see the problem. And those who point it out are exaggerating." 

Contemplation: "I wore size 12 last year. I refuse to buy those 16s. I'll just wear yoga pants.  But dang! Where did these hips come from?  I probably eat too much chips, chicken, ice cream, cake, and at all kind of crazy times of day and night.   And maybe that occasional beer on the weekends is not helping.  4 years ago I lost weight  because I had a plan. Humm??" 

Determination: Commitment To ACTION 
"O.K. I have to do something.  I have been thinking about this alot. I've dibbled and dabbled but haven't really put my heart into  anything.  No Real Plan. But now I have a Plan (Drink IASO Diet TEA daily,  control my portions my planning my meals and snacks, and work out at least 30 minutes a day. Fried Chicken strips only in salad. Potato Chips only on the weekend.) And my Start is Date December 29, 2014."

Action: "I've made my public Commitment.  I know people are watching now. Some want me to see me Succeed. I'll get support from them. That will help to keep me motivated. I am going to prove those who doubt me that I can SUCCEED at this. This may take me 3 to 6 months.  But I am Determined this time to lose 25 pounds."

Maintenance, Relapse and Recycling:  If I have to I will start again and again until I get this right.  I am worth it. My life is worth it. One bag of potato chips won't make me a loser. ..neither will a week of no weight drop. Tomorrow is a new day and I am still working my plan. 

Termination:  When The Problem no longer exists! And I have replaced the Bad Eating and Drinking with The Good....Wah Lah  
Life-Style Change Achieved.

If you would like to Sip your way to Slim with me click below.  See what The TEA is all about. 
Distributor of IASO Diet Tea
Vickie Wooden 269-389-0651
IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111

Stages Of Change

IASO Tea- And My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days

My IASO TEA Testimony, you'll want to hear.

As A Retired school teacher I sometimes reflect on some of the storybooks I read to my students. 

During a recent bout of Flu or A Bad Cold I thought about, 

"Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" by Judith Viorst  

On this day nothing went right for this little guy. Cute story that makes you feel so bad for him.  Awwwwwwww  Makes you go Awwwwww

Well here is my story: It may help you.

The weekend before Christmas I had my 6 year old grand daughter over and she had A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Cold.  And so did her parents when they picked her up to take her back home after two days at my house.

Well guess what little Christmas Gift my grand baby left me.  You guessed it.
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Cold... UGH!  The week of Christmas.  The week I had to travel to see my family and spend the 1st Christmas with mom in 5 years.  OMG! Ah-choo! Sniffle- Blow! 

I tried everything I could to get rid of that cold.  Over the counter this and that. Nuffin worked! 

I went home and was followed around by my sister with a spray can of Lysol! 

Needless to say I laid around the whole trip.  And when I returned home I was still sick.(Friday)  Now it's Day 5 of that Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Cold. 

Throughout the week I had received so many suggestions from my Facebook family of what to try.  I LOVE my FACEBOOK FRIENDS! Most of them suggested Rest, Lemon, Honey, Tea, Hot Totty. GREAT SUGGESTIONS.. BUT

I really did not want to do the totty thing. But I did try the other ideas ...yeah. 
And guess what.  Hot Tea and honey and lemon struck out too.

Then someone suggested Pineapple juice.  YUCK!  Too Sweet! 
I'm not trying that! 

BUT this is where the story gets AMAZING!

I had fresh pineapple chunks and about 10 ounces of my IASO Tea which I hadn't drank  in over a week because I was testing the Diet Coffee and didn't want to mix the two. 

So (Saturday... still sick as a dog and feeling like I'm getting worse) I made a fruit smoothie with my Bella Bullet... a cheap-o. But it works like that expensive Nutra Bullet.

I used about 6 ounces of the IASO Tea and about a cup of fresh pineapple chunks.

The next morning I was a NEW WOMAN!   

That Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Cold  BROKE!

So of course I made another smoothie the next day(Sunday).  And I have not had to blow my nose. No more coughing. No more sneezing!  No More laying down all day.  And I swear yaw. It is ALL GONE!

And I took this picture at the gym (MONDAY).
I am ready to roll.

Now that is my testimony.  
And I am sticking to it.

On Monday, Dec 29th, at the gym (Planet Fitness) 
*I Hit the Treadmill for 20 Minutes.
*I Did the 30 Minute Ab Circuit
Then brought my tail home  on Vickie's Very Good, Awesome, No More Cold Day!

To TRY the  IASO Weight Loss TEA or see our Product Line
CLICK HERE >>> My Total Life Changes Website

To see my results 8 months later look below.

Vickie Wooden 269-389-0651
IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111

It's Tea Time!   

Use the Chrome Browser to visit my website at :

Check me out on Facebook

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sip 2 Slim with Vickie Wooden


My name is IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111
Today is December 29, 2014.  Day One of my Journey from 176.4 poundage! 

Oh but not Day One on the Tea. I used the IASO Tea and lost 5 pounds before the holiday!   
Now I'm sold!  It works!

I signed up as a Rep with no plans to sell the tea until I tested it.   I signed up to try the TEA then the COFFEE because...  

I had heard GREAT Things about the TEA.  

I could have come in as a customer. But I thought , "What if it works and I want to share it?"  So I chose to order my product as An Undercover Rep.  It did not cost me any extra.

Then BOOM!  The weight gain STOPPED and the pounds started dwindling off. (Even though I did not eat right.)

So I am SOLD and now I USE and SELL The Life Changes Products.

Take a look.  CLICK HERE

We have Much More than Tea and Coffee. 

This is a Prime Time to set the New Years Resolution: Lose Weight 

 If you think there is a demand for a weightloss product that works...

You may sign up here to Order as a Rep. You will have to set up an auto ship. 
But you may cancel or change it at anytime.  I changed mine even after they charged my card before they shipped.

If you just want to SHOP or Browes Click here.

I will be charting and sharing my journey. DECEMBER 29, 2014

 I am at 176.4 today. My GOAL is 155.

IASO Tea Distributor Vickie Wooden  IBO#3081111

Welcome to Total Life Changes

Call me with Questions

Vickie Wooden 269-389-0651
Disclaimer: Consult your doctor before beginning any diet program.  I just had to say it.

To ORDER as A Rep Click here

To SHOP or Browes Click Here

One Year Later. December 26th 2015............. See below.

Hi I used the Iaso Tea for a year now. I also drank the Delgada coffee and tried other Total Life Changes products.    Remember, I started this blog at 176ish pounds.   BAM!  Today I weigh  153 lbs  See below.
 Vickie Wooden >>> Total Life Changes IBO # 3081111
Get Started with your Tea now. New Year... New You. Come on.

Results may vary.  This is my testimonial.
It ain't over. 
What you gonna do? You'll never know if you don't try